Our friends are going to all kinds of places. Wendy and Claussen are going to New Zealand for three weeks, leaving mid February. Claussen is retired, sort of. He works forty hours a week, takes one full day off in addition to the weekend, and he is taking three weeks away every time they are away. Their plans are to fly to Los Angeles and stay overnight with Tish and Matt, then fly directly to Sydney for three days, then on to New Zealand for the three weeks, staying the whole time on the south island. Their resorts and itinerary sounds interesting. They fly home to Los Angeles, then directly home after changing planes. That is a trip I would like to take, except for the very long plane ride. Mary and Cliff were there last year, so while Gill is in town in February, they all will gather at their house in Annapolis to see their pictures. Also in February, Mary and Cliff will journey to Death Valley, California. Mary gave Cliff a book for Christmas telling all the National Parks that have beautiful big rustic lodges, and Cliff wants to see the place in Death Valley. They are staying only one week out West. Of course, we told them that one week is too short a time, so we will see if they are going to change their plans. In April they will visit friends in New Orleans and travel out into the country for day trips. The area around New Orleans is very interesting and historic, and most folks visit New Orleans and then head for home, without visiting any of the surrounding attractions. Ken and I are always either going or coming. Now we soon go to Texas late this week. While we are gone, Gill is coming here for the weekend, just to visit. She will stay with Mary and Cliff in Annapolis.
Tonight we had dinner together, at the Ely's home in Potomac. Tonight it was a special night, because this was the first time we have seen the Mitchells since we were all together in Nova Scotia. Wendy cooked a stew, which was perfect for a cold night. Mary and Cliff are both totally retired and enjoy every part of their retirement. Mary is learning to play a flute so she can play in the Mersey Band next summer. Gill is still working full time with her research projects. She also teaches a course at York University, where she was the Dean of Science and Engineering. Her work load is much diminished from her days past . Wendy looks after her dogs and cats and horse, and reads more than all the rest of us. In fact, she has given each of us a new book, to be taken to Nova Scotia to be shared to each other. And Wendy is continuing her new years resolution of disposing one object each day, except she is using the Irish method of throwing out three items at a time, then forgetting for a few days before adding a few more for the dump. This morning Wendy told Claussen very proudly that she had thrown out three objects. He asked her what they were, because he did not want his stuff put out for the trash. Of course, Wendy could not remember what the three objects had been that went to the trash bin. This aging process has it's bad sides!!
It is wonderful to have good friends. We have known each other for over thirty years, through good times and bad times. We have watched our children grow up and watched each other grow old. The one constant over the years is that we have always had a very good time together. And we still do.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
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