Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. Toronto.

It was Toronto at it's worst. Trash was piled everywhere. There was trash at every corner and in every park. The streets were littered with debris. The city looked awful. The garbage collectors were on strike which they seem to feel is acceptable behaviour. Why don't the aldermen and mayor go around and collect all the trash? It certainly would look a lot better than it looks now. Actually, the city is going crazy with construction. Tall buildings are going up all over town, some office buildings, some condos, all in the high rent districts. The density is greater than anything we live with in the DC area. People are everywhere, wandering, shopping, talking, standing looking around. We stayed at the Inter-Continental Hotel, an old hotel that was fully restored, but the reason we chose that hotel was very simple. It was the closest hotel to Massey College, where the wedding and reception were being held, so the we three families stayed there and it worked perfectly. Once again, Ken made a good choice.

Most decisions are based on facts, and some decisions are based on emotion. I did not write my small web log on Friday and Saturday for no good reason other than irritation. For the past two years, we have stayed in several different motels and hotels and have always either plugged into the Internet free of charge or used the business counter, available to guests, again with no additional charge. After we arrived in this fancy city hotel, I called to asked for the location of the business room as Ken had checked ahead to be sure it existed and they graciously told me it's location. When I started in to work, I discover that absence a credit card, the computer would not work. I walked next door to their business office to raise my objections, but to no avail. I could use the computer if I swipeed my credit card and payed $20. for five minutes on the computer. So on principal, and because I am cheap, my blog was not written this weekend. These old hotels are so out dated. For fifty dollars we stayed in The Swiss Inn, with wireless connection in the room. I was really irritated. I wonder when they will realize that Internet connection today is just part of the package. Until they figure it out, we will stay at another hotel.

1 comment:

dave buckley said...

Other than that, how was Toronto?
