Friday, July 3, 2009

July 3, 2009. Western Head, N.S. Privateers Day.

It all started yesterday, and will continue until Sunday night, when a long fireworks display is held after dark, signally the end of Privateers Days in Liverpool. I walked all around the waterfront today, to see that the vendors and the rides are all ready for the people. The Queen's Own Orange Rangers have set up their camp sites and are in period costumes, pretending to live as they would in 1787. Sunday morning they re-enact a fight right in town, where the British always win over the U.S. even though all the service men drank together all night, finally winning when someone got sober!!. Privateers Days in Liverpool is always held close to July the 4Th. and is a big deal in town. The place is hopping. Tomorrow there is a parade with the bands and floats and old cars marching all over town. Last year, it was so hot the bandmaster keeled over after the march over the bridge and up the hill. This year is not expected to be hot.

Ken and I were in Liverpool for the first time, eating lunch at Lanes Privateer's Inn. Knowing nothing about Privateers, I asked the waitress what a Privateer was all about. She looked very embarrassed and could not give us an answer, but directed us to Fort Point lighthouse, where the story is told on plaques all along the shore. So we read all about it and determined that a Privateer was nothing more than legalized pirating. The good folks from Liverpool made a lot of money being a privateer. Simon Perkins, who was the richest man in town, made his money as a privateer. His very own home is now a museum in town. Every day, his diary is turned to another day. He kept a diary for many years, and you can still see his very own diary for today's day. It may be the most interesting thing in town. This weekend, the eighteenth century is alive and well in Liverpool. Now if only the rain would stop, the show can go on. Actually, the show will go on in any weather. A little rain would never halt the good folks of Liverpool.

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