Thursday, June 19, 2008

June 19, 2008. Chevy Chase, Md. Beach Party.

At work, we are easily amused. This afternoon we held our annual Beach Party, given by all the agents on the first floor, and held outside the office on the parking lot. Every year things change. The children and grand children are always invited. This year was especially festive. Sarah Toppings was the auctioneer. The winning bid would be able to throw the balls to hit a target to dunk a Manager or Regina in the Dunk Tank. The bidding was lively and spirited and believe it or not, we raised almost $1400. for Bethesda Cares, a local charity we support through the year. Ned was the first to be dunked, wearing his dress shirt, tie, good pants and socks. He looked ridiculous. I was next, but I wore shorts and a T shirt for my dunking. But Regina made the most money. Her dunking raised over seven hundred dollars for Bethesda Cares. The children took turns being dunked and throwing the balls. I would never have thought how much fun this dunking tank was for the kids.

Of course we had lots of good food.. hot dogs and hamburgers, fried chicken, watermelon, potato salad,pickles, chips and Frito's. Margaritas, beer, sodas, water, and lemonade to drink. Everyone wore clothes for the beach. It was all totally ridiculous, but lots of fun. And we raised $1400. for the homeless shelter.

Mario, Chris and Regina did the bulk of the organizing but everyone pitched in to help with the set up and clean up. It was a good time enjoyed by all, held out on the parking lot, pretending we were at the beach. It does not take much to amuse us!!. And Sarah Toppins has the makings of another career.

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