Wednesday, December 5, 2012

December 5, 2012. Harper, Texas. The Cross.

If you fly over Harper, Texas and look down, you could see a white cross.  As the cross is twenty feet high, you could see it from pretty far up.    Our neighbor Robbie put it  on top of his barn and as you go on the road,  down a hill from our ranch, you can see it shining brightly.   Now our road is remote and not many people drive down this road but Joyce and Robbie just felt that at this time of year, where Christian customs are being held hostage, they would be telling the world that they are Christians.

This is the first time they have put up the cross on top of the barn and the first time they felt threatened by being a Christian.  Perhaps not here in the US, but in many other countries, Christians are being abused or killed for no other reason than being a Christian.  They just wanted to make their statement of solidarity to all other Christians in the world.   Robbie likes it so much, he might leave it up all year.

So if you are flying across Texas, look down and look for Robbie's cross.  It is big and it is bright and it is a statement of faith.  It is not merely a Christmas decoration.

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