Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31, 2014. Norwegian Star. H. Brandt Ayers.

Ken did not enjoy this book. The author was in love with the Kennedy folks and is quick to give credit for many things , so Ken discounts the facts of the book. On the other hand, I enjoyed this book because he was living in Alabama during the years of the civil rights violence, and he tells what ordinary people were thinking and doing. Even living in Mississippi today, it is difficult to have conversations about race so I appreciate the author’s efforts to put the pieces together. And I am interested in the south and this book tells you what has happened over the years. The book is named In “Love With Defeat: The Making of a Southern Liberal”, and is written by H. Brandt Ayers, who was a newspaper publisher in Anniston, Alabama. Of course, he inherited the newspaper from his father, another point Ken objects to. The book is not well written either but the book itself is interesting and I am enjoying it, even though the author is still in love with the Kennedy’s. He makes some insights about the history of the south and it’s evolution into the new south. Of course, I can not read it straight through. I read a few chapters each day but I am enjoying it, even though the author is a liberal!!

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