Monday, March 10, 2008

March 10, 2008. Western Head, N.S. Walking.

I like to walk. Ken has been happy to walk with me if we were going somewhere but he has never enjoyed walking just for his health. Until now that is. Now he is being a good soldier and walks with me every day. Today we walked in a lovely little park called Pine Grove, designed and maintained by Bowater Paper Company, the biggest employer in town. The park has three loops, through the woods, around the pond and along the river, a distance of about a mile and a half. The day was cold but with no wind so we did just fine. The park is on the road to Milton on the left, so the next time you are here, look it up and go for a walk. We saw ducks on the river, both black and mallard and lots of Ravens. Also two couples walking their dogs.

Ken and I have walked many places over the years. We have walked almost all the trails and paths in the Washington area and in all the parks. In distances of ten to twelve miles we have walked to Mount Vernon from Great Falls. Also the whole C.and O. Canal from Georgetown to Cumberland and Mass. Ave. and Conn. Ave.from top to bottom. And 21st Street. My brother and sister-in-law joke that when we ask them to go for a walk with us they always ask how far. Just ask Andy Funt. He will not go on a walk with us. For exercise Ken prefers to do real work like gardening or cutting wood or fixing something. The Doctor has told him to walk every day, so now I have company on my walks. I am happy about that.

I did not think this could happen but it did. We went out to the hot tub tonight and it was snowing. Then we looked up from the hot tub and realized the stars were out, at the same time the snow was falling. How can this happen I want to kinow. Another problem in my life is this computer terminal. I can not use quotation marks, or apostrophes or question marks and lots of other signs. But since I went loopey I have been able to use other words other than the ones that will not come to mind. But It is a nuisance. Ken is trying to fix the problem.

1 comment:

dave buckley said...

Yes, we have had some memorable walks with you, (did we really ask how far?) and ended up having a late lunch at some very interesting places. Very enjoyable, C & O canal, Potomac, Washington/Georgetown, etc. If our snow ever goes away, we may get back to walking here. Irene.