Thursday, March 20, 2008

March 20,2008. Chevy Chase, Maryland, Home Again.

Yesterday Ken had another milestone. We returned home from Halifax via Boston to Dulles airport without using a wheelchair. Two weeks ago Ken could have not been able to do that. By the time we were home ,Ken was very weary, but he fixed dinner!!

I always enjoy getting to the office. It is such a pleasure to see the expertise of the agents and staff operating at such a high level of competence. Everything just keeps going on. It is a wonder to behold. I left home at 8:30, the first time I left that early since the surgery, and arrived to find everything ready for a training session on short sales,given by one of our affiliates, Joy Siegel,and organized by Nancy Neff. Once a month Nanci is responsible for an hour class called Ask The Pro. She brings into the office some expert who will help the agents do their job. Her skills in selecting topics and organizing the teacher has been very valuable. This Thursday training is designed for the intermediate agents but of course is open to all agents too. The other thursdays are run by three other agents. Jeannie Ahearn organizes the Continuing Education once a month, so the agents can get all their credit hours right in the office. This is very valuable for the agents and they are appreciative of her efforts. Sharyn Goldman runs a session on another Thursday called Business Builders, dealing with any topic Sharyn thinks will be helpful for the business. The topics are interesting and very valuable too. Then Wendy Banner in the fifth Thursday in those months coordinates an agent panel, on any topic she feels would benefit the agents. Finally once a month the Managers teach a session called Contemporary Issues. Put it all together and you see four top agents organizing sessions for the agents in order to get better. And this done for and by competitors. It is a wonder to behold. I am very grateful for the time and talents of these dedicated agents.

Two other agents, Gretchen Koitz and Sarah Toppins teach or organize the new agents. They meet once a week on Wednesdays. That class is a wheel that keeps on going so when you get back to the beginning topics , you graduate. At the end of this course the goal is to be sure the agent is safe on the street. That class goes a long way to answer the question of why the agents do so well. These two fine agents are sure all the questions can be answered by the agents.

I receive a great deal of satisfaction when returning to the office and see the whole operation running along so smoothly. And I haven't even said a word about the staff!!

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