I spoke of my family that stressed counting our blessings and never complaining. Along with that blessing comes a lack of evaluation and introspection. I don't know what other families do in their homes, but when I was growing up there was no discussion about how to lead ones life. The way was set in stone, along the path laid out and we went along that path cheerfully. I was totally unschooled about color sense and home decoration also, as we always lived in homes provided for and furnished by the Salvation Army. I am not much interested in shopping or decorating homes, and I am sure this comes from never paying attention to either. I am lost without my friend Gloria. It was all those darn blue uniforms and those ugly houses I lived in.
I also only pay attention to money in order to do something. I like to be building something or paying for my children's education or taking a trip. Then I get interested in making money. I love to see the agents make their money and then build their own home with the money they earned as agents. It's fun to be a part of their success. But I am sure my attitude to money would drive a financial planner crazy.
So with one shoe that drops I uncritically enjoy my life. With the other shoe that drops I lack all kinds of skills including assessing issues with a critical eye, evaluating options and color sense. I had to learn those skills as an adult and for many of them I am still a dolt.
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