Monday, March 31, 2008

March 31, 2008. Chevy Chase, Md. Blossoms.

The cherry trees at the Tidal Basin are at their peak of their beauty. These blossoms always arrive, but almost never at Festival time. The Kenwood cherry trees are just coming into bloom, and the best thing is that I can see them right out of my fourth story apartment. The scene is glorious. I am always so pleased to be here at home at just the right time. Of course, the right time changes every year, so it is hard to plan ahead. The folks who live here are very good natured to put up with all the traffic through the neighborhood. The police post no parking signs on all the major routes, so every evening and all day on the weekend a procession of cars winds their way all around the area. Then there other folks who park a long way away so they can take pictures, so you see the wanderers roaming around. They will soon be gone with the blossoms. So if you want to come and visit, this would be the time.

Why was Gitta on the back deck of of a house wearing only her blouse and pantyhose? She is a very good agent, very experienced, and she was holding her listing open on a Sunday afternoon. The day was beautiful but for what ever reasons, people were not coming to see her listing. She was by herself for a long time and she was bored. She was going out for dinner that evening and did not want to crease her pleated skirt when she sat down, so she took her skirt off and put the skirt on the back of the living room couch. She had the front door locked. She is a smoker, so just stepped out on the deck to smoke, thinking that if anyone comes to the front door she will have time to pull on her skirt and let them in. The next thing she saw was two young men in the kitchen. She peeked in the sliding door, called to the young men and asked them to please give her the skirt on the couch. And they did. When she was properly attired, she showed the young men through the house, and they all had a very good laugh about the whole thing. Gitta of course keeps her clothes on at all times at her open houses!

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