Wednesday, April 16, 2008

April 16, 2008 San Antonio, Texas. Girls

My 8 year old grandaughter wrote this story today at school.

When I was a baby I could not walk. But now I can walk.
When I was a baby I could not talk. But now I can talk.
When I was a totteler I could not ride a two wheeler. But now I can ride a two
When you are a teenager, you can drive and you get a cell phone.
When you are a grownup, you get a job.
But when you are a grandmother, you can do what ever you want to do!!

These children are busy. When they arrived home from scool, the first item on their aganda is snacks, followed by homework. I listened to both of the six year olds read to me their homework assignment. We were all together New Years Eve, and their resolution was to learn to read. By golly, in kindergarten, they teach you to read and they are happy. The ten year old had an assignment to read two chapters in their book. Kind of a stupid assignment because she reads all the time anyway. The eight year old asked help with her math paper, so I checked her answers to be sure they were correct. I even did them without a calculator!! After homework was play in the yard. The twins swam and swam and swam even tho it was not really hot, while S.played frisbee with Ken. I watched the twins in the pool. Then all four girls swam. They all said they needed to get ready for swim team. Dinner at seven, and bed time at eight. Very busy girls.

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