Tuesday, April 8, 2008

April 8, 2008. Bethesda, Md. Basketball.

The game has come a long way in just over one hundred years. A young man, Mr. Naismith, born and raised in Canada but teaching in Mass. needed a game to keep the boys busy. In addition to his teaching position, he worked weekends at the local Y.M.C.A. So he cut the bottom out of two bushel baskets, nailed them to two walls and called it a game. And what a game it became. I just love watching College ball. You never know how those young people are going to respond to the pressure of the moment. I seldom enjoy watching professional basketball, because it is so predictable, except of course for the Spurs. That team is always worth watching. But College ball is a horse of another color. Those Memphis players are kicking themselves today I bet. The game was well in hand, in fact, Ken predicted Kansas to lose by ten points. But not me. You just never know how those college players will respond under pressure. That of course is their charm.

Today we go to see our family in Texas. They have not seen Ken since his surgery so I will be interested in their response to his general well being. Our family tends not to fuss over difficulty, so we urged David to stay in Texas and not come up here to visit. Perhaps that is not fair to David and Suzanne, but they had the responsibility when I went loopy in Texas, so we asked them to take a break this time. But I know they are anxious to see him. And we are excited to see them and those four little girls. Also of note, we are installing a sattelite dish for the internet at the ranch. This a good thing for sure. Now we begin.

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