Monday, June 1, 2009

June 1, 2009. Jackson, Ms. Welcome!!

There is nothing better than a warm welcome . Kate and Mary Frances were delighted to see us arrive on Sunday. They were expecting us to arrive on Monday and when we appeared on Sunday afternoon they were pleased and surprised. Of course Andrew and Christina were equally as happy to see us arrive and they were especially delighted to see all the beef. Tonight for dinner Christina cooked lasagna using the ground beef from the farm. It was delicious. Molly has been slow to warm up to us this time in fact she is scared to death every time Ken coughs and of course he coughs all the time. She was becoming less fearful all during the day. Kate is giving over her room to us and sleeping in Molly's room, who now sleeps in the study upstairs so we are staying with them, which for us is very unusual. Normally we stay in our own places and just visit David and Suzanne and the girls for a few days at a time.

Today we put many plans in place. We are all going to Natchez Friday evening, coming home on Saturday evening. Ken has booked our accommodation.. Two chairs need reupholstered and one chair is broken so this afternoon we found a spot and took the chairs and selected the fabric. Christina and I and Molly went together, which meant we had fifteen minutes to select the fabric as Molly loved this place and would have loved running all over the place. Christina kept her contained which meant she was not happy. Kate, Christina and I went to the wine store and selected the wine for the two weeks. I charged Kate with her task of choosing the best labels, which she did. Our wine tonight had a pink top and a pink label. The wine also was excellent. Tomorrow we are accompanying Andrew to Hattiesberg, a small city new to us. Wednesday we have been invited to Linda Creath's home for lunch and to swim in the afternoon, and Thursday we go with Andrew to Ocean Springs, on the Mississippi coast, so our time here is shaping up very nicely.

There is nothing better than being greeted joyously by your grandchildren. It was worth every minute on the road here.

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