Monday, June 22, 2009

June 22, 2009. Bethesda, Md. Managing Together.

Most people say it can not be done. In fact, my friend Beverley from Vancouver specifically asked me to say something about our success with joint management, as many books would say that it does not work. In 1999 we merged the two offices, Bethesda Hampden Square and Bethesda Metro, with both Carole and me as joint Managers. August 19 will be the tenth anniversary of our merger. The synergy was immediately apparent and the joint management worked well, especially for the agents. Then in Jan. 2007, Ned joined us as another manager, which was also an asset to the agents. Now we three manage the office together. I will tell a few reasons for our success.

All three managers care only about the agents. We want to assist the agents with their careers, not further our own. Once a week we three meet together to discuss any issues pertinent at the time and to the office. Our meetings never last over thirty minutes and are held right after our weekly staff meeting. At our manager only meeting we discuss anything and everything that is of concern to any of us. We are not nasty, but our ideas and feelings must be heard. Our active communication skills have helped.

Each of the Manager has a little different set of skills, which meant that when Carole and I joined forces, the agents obtained a manager skilled at detail and a manager who enjoyed the bigger picture, so together the agents got it all. Ned fits between the two of us and is young so skilled with technology. He is quick with his Blackberry which pleases the agents, so his skills have enhanced the agent's lives.

Our system works well because we all three care about the success of the office, without regard for glory, and it is obvious that our system is a benefit for the agents. We have had to learn not to operate in a unilateral mode. Remember we each have been in charge of our own office, but we have all learned not to say I. We have learned to make long term plans and allocate responsibility. For myself, our shared management system should be a model for all offices because it is in the best interests of the agents, and ultimately, the agents pay our bills.

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