Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23, 2009. Bethesda, Md. No Connection.

She was the most unusual person. No one part of her body or clothing seemed connected to any other part. I kept looking and looking at her, and never did figure her out. From her neck up she looked fifty-five, with her gray hair worn in a pony tail, and her face the same age. Her legs looked like the legs of an athlete, with well developed muscles in both thighs and calves, so her legs looked to be the legs of a twenty year old young lady. On her feet she wore sneakers and white socks. She wore a short skirt, which would looked great on Kate, who is twelve, but it only looked good if you only looked at her legs. Her middle was round and her shoulders were wide, so she wore a large purple T shirt over the top of her skirt which it made her look ridiculous when you see this over weight lady pretending to be a teen. What was most interesting to see was that the parts of her body and clothes did not match each other at all. I finally figured out that she was connected to one of the musicians but I am not sure that excuses her look.

Now I watched this lady all evening, last Saturday in Artemas at the Blue Grass Festival. I tried hard to figure out how to get to speak to her, but she was always busy. When I thought further about meeting her, I decided that she was probably thinking the same thing about me, because I did look a little off, compared with all the other ladies there. At the farm, I often wear overalls, and have done so for the past thirty-five years. Our friends are used to seeing me in my overalls and they joke about my look. None of the other ladies wear overalls at the farm, only the men. Saturday night I wore my overalls to the dinner and concert, and I knew right off it was a mistake. Everyone else was dressed up in jeans or nice shorts. So I bet this odd looking lady is as we speak, wondering about that older lady wearing overalls to the Festival. But at least I looked of a piece from the top to the bottom. I looked like what I was... a city lady pretending to be a farmer's wife.

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