Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, 2009. Western Head, N. S. Concert.

The flyer at our door said "A Summer Evening of Music", Sunday, August 16Th, 7 p,m, signed Pember, with a hand written note to bring your friends. Now Pember is a very nice young woman who spends her summers here with her parents, living in the green house, right along the Bay. We certainly wanted to support her so we all went, although our expectations were low. The flyer stated that entertainment would include the Zion Summer Hand bell Ringers, The Geritones, Zion Church Choir, Karl and Georgia Nolph, Kristopher Snarby, plus a Hymn sing. Again, we expected the choir to be awful and some how or another, the rest of the program would be very amateurish, along with a Minister who talks too much.

What a surprise we got. The whole evening was delightful, so the hour and a half just sped away. The Zion Ringers had sixty bells, and the four players were very busy indeed. Pember was one of the Ringers so we were very pleased we went. The group played four items along with a solo by Pember and I tell you, those four folks enjoyed themselves, but enjoyed it most for the final ring of the bells. They were good and fun for us to watch their expertise. Kristopher is a local , born and raised in Liverpool. His singing is Divine. Clearly he has been singing a long time and been very well trained. When he first went up to sing, a small voice called out "Hi Daddy". Then the trumpet soloist, accompanied by his wife was excellent too. Karl must have been 70, but he played well and his choice for his solos were well within his expertise. The Geritones are usually a male quartet, all over seventy, but last night we had only a duet, but they enjoyed their singing, as did the audience. But the biggest surprise was the choir. Ten men and ten women, all singing in tune and singing with a sweet tone. None of their pieces were church anthems, but were popular songs singing of clear skies and wings, but they were a big hit.

I should have expected such expertise, as the amount of musical talent in the Maritimes is very high, but I did not expect to have every item on the program to be such high quality. Even the Minister in his role as Master of Ceremonies was brief and pertinent. It was a wonderful concert, and the next one on August 30 we will certainly attend. I would listen to Kristopher, the wonderful tenor, anytime and anywhere. He is terrific. I expected to endure the evening, but instead I enjoyed every minute.

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