Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 4, 2009. Western Head, N.S. Summer Time.

Summer has arrived. The rhythm of the season is in full swing. I am not wearing wool socks, but Teva type sandles. Yesterday we were invited to dinner Wednesday evening at Larry and Jan's home in Liverpool. They live in Ottawa and come and go just like us. Sheila and Ken are having an open house on Saturday at their home and invited us to come, along with our house guests. They live in Florida and spend four or five months here. It is always the custom to bring your guests whenever you are invited to someones home. It is nice for the guest to meet the local folks. And the guests have arrived. Mary's niece and her husband with their three children arrived last evening from California. This afternoon they all came over for tea which we had on the deck. Tomorrow, Mary and Cliff's son and daughter-in-lay and three children arrive and will stay with Gill for one night as Mary is full until the niece and family leave on Thursday. Saturday, Pat and Mal arrive for two weeks to stay with us. As the first ones here, they will have the choice of the Carriage House or the main house.

Tomorrow Ken and I will go to the cottage and the Mitchell family will join us. Tonight Gill and Ken and I went to The Cove Cafe for their pasta dinner. Fifteen dollars gives you salad, a choice of three types of pasta and dessert. It was great. Friday evening at the United church in Petite Reverie, a trombone concert will be held. We will be there. Prior to the concert Ken and I will dine at Cove Cafe, where they serve dinner of the night along with soup and dessert. This is the fourth summer those ladies have stayed open and they have added things every year.

I finished reading "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton. This morning, after Ken brought me coffee upstairs, I finished this wonderful book by Kate Morton, an Australian. I came down for breakfast at 10:30. So the rhythm of the summer has taken hold. Lots of reading, lots of company, many invitations and wonderful weather. I must be the luckiest woman alive.

1 comment:

dchapman said...

& I think we are lucky to have you in our lives.