Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27, 2009. Western Head, N.S. Anniversary Day.

Today was the day, fifty-one years ago, when Ken and I were married. Now I know we celebrated our 50Th early in August last year, but that had to do with school schedules, but today is the real day. Today we celebrated by going to the cottage and putting all the furniture back in place. Everything was put away to prepare for Hurricane Bill, including the motor boat. Dave and Irene and Betty and Vinal were coming too. Our plan was to put all the furniture in place and put the boat in the water, then eat a wiener roast lunch down by the water. Betty brought potato fiddle, a dish new to me. The best laid plans. Mary called to tell me that another storm was coming this week, so advised us to leave the furniture in hiding. Of course, Ken and I arrived early, and the furniture was all in place. Again, another problem surfaced. The wind was very high, so we decided to leave the boat in the boat house.

Our lunch was wonderful. The potato fiddle was delicious, always made with new potatoes. Even wieners taste good while sitting around an open fire. The day was beautiful, clear and sunny, the only problem was the wind. It was a lovely way to celebrate our anniversary. My dear cousin-in-law Rita sent us a lovely greeting via e mail. She is very thoughtful, and has a good memory too.

A couple of stories surfaced in town, one told to Cliff, the husband of Mary. The owner of the shoe store in town, Fred, was chatting with Cliff about the causeway, the destruction and the expense of repair. Then Fred told Cliff about this foolish woman who got swept over the causeway into the lake. Cliff never said a word. He certainly was never going to admit that he was married to this foolish woman. Another story was that the woman who went over the causeway lost her $150. shoes, but that someone found them and received a reward. Actually, they were a $6. Crocs that were returned. Both Mary and I feel incredibly fortunate to have come out of it alive. When we think of what could have happened, It sends chills down my spine.

Today we celebrated in the quiet style and enjoyed every minute of the day.

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