Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17, 2010. Canyon Lake, Texas. A Boat Ride.

The day was not promising, with a forecast for rain, but David wanted something to do, so he took three of the girls with him to launch his boat at the ramp just up the street. His boat is stored right beside the house here in Canyon Lake. Sarah backed the boat down the ramp, while David drove the boat over the courtesy dock, then had Sarah drive the boat to our bay while David brought the trailer and truck back to the house. It is quite a complicated series of events, made easier by Sarah's competence. His goal was to take us all on a boat trip, then take us to lunch at the only restaurant on the lake.

The difficulty for me is that I must get onto the boat. David brought the boat right into our bay, where everyone just springs out from shore and jumps onto the boat. But I do not spring, so I carefully map out a plan, to walk around to another set of stairs, where David can come close so I can step down into the boat. It was a good plan, except the water was too shallow, so we all finally made a plan for me to stand on a tree trunk then step into the boat. It was a success. I was in the boat and off we went. The day was perfect for boating, as no one else was on the lake and the rains did not come but the cloud cover meant you were not too hot. Lunch was wonderful, the boat gassed up, the girls braved the cool lake, then it was time to drive home and try to get me out of the boat.

It was a piece of cake. David drove up by the tree trunk and out I stepped, just like a pro. The chilly girls headed straight to the hot tub, with me along. It was a lovely day on the lake.

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