Thursday, April 29, 2010

April 29, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Eyes.

My Mother taught me that "You can not improve the future unless you upset the present." I have found this to be true. Many times when up to our eyeballs in a mess, this wisdom has helped me through to a better future. An agent at work, who is moving, typed this slogan for his wife when she got upset with the chaos of a move.

Today I am in a mess. My left eye has a new fancy lens and my left lens from my old glasses is gone. Ken threw it away so now I look through empty frame. Reading is difficult. But I have great faith in the future of my vision. Already I see better with my left eye than my right, even though my right eye was my best eye. At the moment my vision is suspect with the eyes not working well together. Again, I have faith, and tomorrow morning at 7:00 I see the good Doctor, when he will check me out. Then we drive to the farm, where everything gets better, both body and soul. This aging process is not for sissies.

1 comment:

Royce Ann said...

I am so sorry you are having to go through the "eye challenge". However, I have all confidence that you will heal quickly and well! You are too wonderful to be down for long! The trips by train next year sound great! Tell Ken Hi! We look forward to our next visit...until then, all my love.