Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April 28, 2010. Chevy Chase, Md. Travel Options

Ken has spent a lot of time these past few months researching the nineteenth century way of travelling. I had been reading books that take place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries where people got around in a leisurely way, usually using the train. He is irritated with air transportation. Now, we can go to Jackson via train but first we must go to New Orleans via Chicago. And we can do the same route to San Antonio. Washington to Chicago, then to New Orleans where we must stay overnight, then another train to San Antonio. "We can do this" says Ken. I agree, but only if we have lots and lots of time on our hands.

Today we flew home from San Antonio on a three hour direct flight on Southwest. Easy as pie.

Next May we are trying out our system. Train to Chicago. Train to Seattle. Bus to Vancouver. Ferry to Pender Island for a week, then back to Vancouver for a week. Train along the Fraser River to Jasper with one over-night stop in some town. Finally, train from Jackson to Halifax. The goal is not to drive ourselves. We are excited.

This summer we will drive to Nova Scotia because the airlines are ridiculous. We are taking a giant step back. I wonder how long this will last? I must say, we have had fun trying to calculate the various options.

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