Saturday, August 23, 2014

August 23, 2014. Western Head, N.S. Vodka.

The full title is "Vodka: How a colorless, odorless, flavorless spirit conquered America". It was written by Victorino Matus. In this book, I read everything I could have ever wanted to know about vodka, and more. The amazing thing is that the book is interesting. My interests in life do not include spirits and I know almost nothing about different brands of liquors, but this book some how makes it all seem important and engaging. The book about salt was fascinating, giving you the history of the importance of salt over time. I loved that book, so when I read a review about the book on vodka, I downloaded it into my iPad, thinking it would be similar. It is not the same. You get a brief history of vodka, then you read how vodka became the number one spirit in America, brand by brand. It is actually quite an astonishing fact and you can find it all in this book. I enjoyed it despite the fact that I have no interest in vodka. It must be a good book!!

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