Sunday, August 31, 2014

August 31, 2014. Western Head, N.S. Well Water.

We ran the well dry this morning, showering and laundering sheets and towels. With 6 people living in the main house and 2 in the Guest House, we are using lots of water. Ken also added water to the pond, so when Irene attempted to get a glass of water for David, the taps were dry. We were in the midst of the changing of the guard with Dave and Irene leaving for Hamilton this afternoon. Sheldon and Ruth arrived yesterday afternoon so we were a family of 8, but only for a short time. We got lucky today. Don and Doreen and Sheldon and Ruth went to see White Point Resort this morning so knew nothing about the lack of water. Ken's first thought was to clean the filter which he did and immediately the water began flowing. By then, Dave and Irene had left for the airport so the water was in perfect order by the time the guests returned. Sheets and towels were clean and dry and the water was flowing. Life was good at Western Head. Our well is old and is a dug well. It is so dependable that we forget that we are using water from a very old dug well. I know better but today was a good warning to us. We must space out our laundry loads. And to clean the filter more often!!

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