Thursday, August 7, 2014

August 6, 2014. Western Head, N.S. Churchill and Company.

I am immersed in the world of Winston Churchill. The name of the book is “Churchill And Company: Allies and Rivals in War and Peace” and was written by David Dilks. I am thoroughly enjoying it. It could be tedious as much of the book is made up of quotes. But the book is neither tedious nor boring. It is fascinating. The style of the writing is a bit like reading gossip. Even when the material is difficult, the book is easy to read. Fortunately, I was familiar with the history as there are no explanations as to events and people. The author assumes an informed reader. Unfortunately, with no references books here at the cottage or the Internet, I must depend on my own knowledge, which sometimes is flawed. I have learned from reading this book. It is clear I have not read enough about the Second World War. The chapter on Churchill and Poland is chilling but true, most of which was news to me. Reading about Churchill is always interesting and this book is another in a long line of books about Churchill that I have read. This book has been a pleasure to read.

1 comment:

Set said...

I'm trying to learn more about WW II as well. I'm listening (slowly) to "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" and have just finished the section on the invasion of Poland.