Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August 4, 2014. Pleasantfield, N.S. Quiet.

It is very quiet at the cottage. Astonishingly quiet. For three days there has been no breeze so the wind does not whistle through the trees. We see about three boats a day and they are on the opposite side of the lake so you can hear the sound of the motor for three minutes. The only sound we have heard all day was softly falling rain this morning. The rest of the day we heard only silence. No people, no dogs, no cars, no machines. Peace and quiet all day long. We are living in the 50’s. I had forgotten the feel of warm soapy water when washing dishes. Our life is without television, radio or Internet. But we do have a cozy house, complete with running water both hot and cold. The refrigerator, including the freezer is full of good food. And the furniture is comfortable. We have nothing to complain about. I have read two books since we arrived on Thursday. As the days have been overcast, I have only been to the water’s edge once. The rest of the time I was reading or eating., all in the quiet of the cottage. Today, I stayed all day long in my nightshirt. I must be getting old.

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