Saturday, February 20, 2016

February 20, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. The Blue Shrimp.

We four sat at the railing looking out at the lagoon and watched the array of wildlife on display.  Once again, we needed a birder.   A white bird patiently waited on the edge of the water catching his meal, entertaining us the whole time.  He was about the size of a cattle egret but they don't feed in water.   It was as pretty as a snowy egret and even had feathers on the back of his head, but it was about half the size.  And two diving ducks were fishing too.  They were small and very dark.  Definitely, we needed Alice Anne or Pat or Phyllis.

An Iguana entertained us by crawling on a log and finally jumped in to swim to shore.  The turtles were abundant.  But no crocodiles.

The Blue Shrimp is a new restaurant in Nuevo Vallarta.  It has been open for only a month.  The food is excellent and the decor elegant.   The only problem is the expensive but they are full every night so it must not be a problem.   Ken and I were fortunate because Rita and Ian took us for our late noon meal.  Some days you just get lucky.

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