Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 3, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. The Dentist.

Two year ago I went to the dentist.  Mexico is a place where lots of people get their dental work done and for several years, Ken and I have had our teeth cleaned in Nuevo Vallarta.   Years ago,  I was stunned to find that the technology in Mexico was ahead of my dentist in Bethesda so Ken and I started doing all his dental work in Mexico.  Today when we were in the waiting room,  a stream of people came in to make appointments.  Clearly, the dentist here is staying busy.

Today, Ken and I had our teeth cleaned at the same time.  It was all very fancy, side by side in the sparkling white office being attended to by masked ladies using high tech equipment.  Finally I was well enough to visit the dentist so this morning we both had our teeth cleaned.  Even though I had not been to the dentist for two years my teeth were in good condition so I need no more work done on my teeth.  Ken on the other hand has another appointment with the dentist to have three cracked fillings repaired.  He will go on Tuesday.

The dental hygienist cleaned my teeth with an ultra sound.  No more scraping.  When she had removed all the plaque, she polished my teeth.  The whole thing took just over 30 minutes and was painless.  Tomorrow, Rita and Ian have appointments.  I will be interested to hear from them if their experience was good.  Certainly for all of us it will be cheaper than at home.  Hat's off to the Mexican dentists for giving us such good, high tech service.

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