Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 24, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Mexico. Health Update.

Today my blood was drawn and tested.  The results were e mailed to both me and to my Oncologist in Mississippi.  My blood counts continue to rise, although still not to normal levels.  The hospital across the street is efficient and pleasant so our system is working well.  We hope the Ibrance, the chemotherapy I take each evening,  is doing it's job on the breast cancer cells.  Ken hopes that it if is doing as good a job on my cancer as it is on my appetite I will soon be in good health.

What he means is that I have not only stopped losing weight but have also gained all the weight I had lost, so I look a lot better.  My hair is still short and fine and impossible.  Fortunately I am not vain because my hair looks ridiculous.  I can walk some distance but I can not walk quickly.

My legs give me problems with balance.  Neuropathy is alive and well in my body.  But I am walking and talking and enjoying life in Mexico.  And I can accomplish my tasks.  Today Doreen and I walked across the street to the hospital to have blood drawn, then walked down the road to the Mall to buy butter, and walked further down the road to the Hotel to have dollars exchanged to pesos.  After that, we had a cup of tea in the bar.  Instead of walking home we took the golf cart.  My tasks were complete.   Now the next update will be the scans which will be done in Mississippi on March 29.  Those results will really tell the tale.

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