Tuesday, February 9, 2016

February 9, 2016. Nuevo Vallarta, Richard.

We all know that dying is as much a part of life as being born.  But somehow or another, when someone you know and love dies,  it comes as a surprise, and you are shocked and saddened.  The sentiments are selfish.  I want to be able to have another conversation with Richard, but that will never happen again because our friend Richard died last evening at home in Houston.

Richard was ready to leave this world.  He always said that he had accomplished everything he had wanted in this life so he was not fighting to stay alive.  He put the details of his life in order and organized his affairs in such a way so Marilyn will be able to carry out his wishes without hassle.  The past few weeks of his life were without any pain but he was fading away and last evening he died.  We will miss him.  He was interested and interesting and we had many long spirited conversations.  Both Ken and I are grateful to have known Richard and to have had him a part of our life.    We are sad that he has died even though we know he would disagree with us.  He was ready.

Now we celebrate his life and be grateful and fortunate to have known him, our friend Richard.

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