Thursday, January 31, 2008

January 31, 2008, Chevy Chase, Maryland.

At the farm in Pennsylvania we have 31 cows ready to have calves this Spring.  What a sight it will be to see the hills dotted with these black Angus cows and calves wandering up and down. Makes you smile to think about it.  One good reason to own country property is that even when you can't be there to enjoy the clean air and isolation, you can see in your mind's eye all the beauty of the place.

The brain is a wonderful thing.  I do not know how the brain does it, but, in your head is a picture of everything you have seen.  And you can click, and a new picture comes to mind.  It's a wonderful thing.  I have been restricted in my ramblings this past week.  But not my brain.  So I have rambled here and there, while I stay all day in Ken's room keeping busy with my magazines and my memories.

I was remembering one Christmas at our home in Kensington with my brother David and sister-in-lay Irene, along with some of their children and ours.  Our Andrew loved jokes and could tell  one at the drop of a hat.  Irene gave Andrew a joke book, edited by Isaac Asimov.  Andrew proceeded to read from the book.  The section Andrew choose to read was from the  slightly risque jokes.  So picture these proper conventional families sitting around the Christmas tree  listening to these off color jokes told to Andrew by his properly conventional aunt Irene.  She has newer been able to live this down.


Sarah said...

I think you've done a great job with your ramblings this week. You may have been more limited in other things - not your style to it. I continue to have you and Ken in my thoughts and prayers. And I continued to be fascinated with what I learn about the more private Ruth. Thank you!

Rambling with Ruth said...

Sarah...very difficult to talk a lot about my private thoughts. So very Canadian to do your duty and keep quiet. But I am getting better. Thanks for the input.Ruth