Wednesday, July 2, 2008

July 2, 2008. Gull Bay, Nova Scotia. Arrivals

The town is hopping. This weekend is Privateers Day in Liverpool, and many events will be held here throughout the weekend. It is great fun. But the best part of the day is that we arrived here safe and sound. The house always looks wonderful, even in the fog. Mu favorite parts of coming here are stopping by Mary and Waltès office, and having a cup of tea at Gills house, also having dinner at the Mitchell home with Gill and the Bonds. It is all very exciting. We have not seen each other since last Fall, so this is a special day.

The man who drives us here from the airport told us a funny story. His name is James Gaskill, and he drives a regular shuttle from our town to the airport. He also drives folks to appointments in Halifax. For several years Mr. Gaskill has driven Mrs. Smith to Halifax for her eye oppointments. One day, she had her cataracts removed amd came home with the one eye covered with a patch. One week later, he drove her back for a checkup. He waited for her. When she came out, Mrs. Smith was very excited. Her vision in the eye was 20 20. She sat down in the van and looked at Mr Gaskill and said that I am able to look at you for the first time, and I want you to Know that you are a very handsome man. Then she looked him up and down and furthur reported that he was overweight and needed to go on an exercise program!! He laughed and she laughed and decided together that good vision has a good side and a bad side.

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