Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May 12, 2009. Carriage Hills Resort, Ontario. Museums.

Wasaga Beach is on Georgian Bay and today we six walked two miles on the beach. It is a wonderful beach for walking as the sand is firm and the terrain is flat. In addition the weather was beautiful, with the sun shining and the breezes light, so we six enjoyed our walk on Wasaga Beach. Don walks with a pedometer so we knew what distance we were covering. In my youth in Ontario, Wasaga was known as a wild party beach, but today the young people have grown up, so now the beach is a Family town. In fact, it is the fastest growing town in Canada, says Carol. From there we used the GPS to find a local restaurant, The Street Cafe, and it turned out to be excellent, so we got lucky.

Next up for us was Midland, where we toured the Huron Ouendat Village, a very interesting museum. It was full of artifacts from the last four hundred years, in addition to an Indian Village. My tolerance for fact is limited, so soon I just looked and did not read. But I enjoyed it, even though we were really trying to find the Sainte-Marie among the Hurons, which was the next spot for us six. This was a French Jesuit mission to the Huron Wendat nation that lasted for a brief ten years, 1639-1649. The whole mission has been rebuilt and is beautiful and is well worth the visit. By the time we were leaving at 4:30, everyone was in need of a snack, so we drank a cup of tea and ate a dessert in the elegant dining room. On our return to our resort four of us soaked in the outdoor hot tub and revived our sore legs. We basically walked all day, but it was worth every step.

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