Tuesday, May 26, 2009

May 26, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. More Weekend.

Nothing is dramatic or extraordinary but the whole weekend was pleasant. Bud from Parry Sound sent us a great picture of the four of us when we were out on the boat on The Lake of Bays, so on Saturday morning, right after breakfast, we drove to Everett to see our framers, Karen and Rodney Barber. I have such confidence in them that I just leave the picture with them to choose the mats and the frames. They have better taste than me anyway and it certainly saves me time. Then we talk art with them. Rodney has had one of his paintings accepted into a juried show in Hagerstown so he was thrilled. You submit a disc with your work and the powers that be accept fifty pieces for the show. There were over 400 artists who submitted work, so he was very pleased indeed. Then after talking for thirty minutes, I decided to take one of his new pieces of art to Andrew and Christina as a house warming. My last words to Rodney was "keep painting regularly".

The Ditto's were up for the weekend so they invited us for dinner on Saturday evening. Now this is a real pleasure, as Diana is a wonderful cook. She not only likes to cook but also goes out of her way to try new recipes. It is always a joy to dine in their home. But this night was especially good. The dessert was home made ice cream sandwiches, with the top and bottom made by hand by Diana. They were out of this world. Saturday evening we all dined together again at our house, where we ate hamburgers and baked beans. Oranges for dessert. No way I can compete. It was sitting around the fire that gave the atmosphere and the charm.

The rest of the time we organized the stuff to take to Andrew and Christina, or we read. Sunday early afternoon we stopped by to see the Jay's, each separately. Tammy is now the pastry chef for Mike's new restaurant in Clearville. Now let me see. She has five children, she milks 300 cows morning and night, she sells her produce at the Farmer's Market in Cumberland, she cleans our two houses, and she cooks for all the men who are working with Alan and Bryan. My goodness those farm wives are busy. When we talked to her she was making thirty pies for the Memorial Day Dinner at the Legion, of course without charging. Life in the country is always a surprise and is always pleasant. But I love to come and go. I do not want to learn to bake pies.

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