Thursday, May 21, 2009

May 21, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. Washington, D.C.

When we are away from home and are asked where we are from, I always answer "Just outside Washington, D.C.". Maryland is a great unknown so we long ago stopped telling anyone that we were from Maryland. It is unfortunate, but many folks recall the days of corruption in the political world. Remember Vice President Spiro Agnew? They should learn about the beauty of the rural roads and the pleasures of living in Maryland. The people in the area are it's greatest strength. Just walking the streets of Bethesda gives you faces from everywhere in the world, all well dressed and going to work. The trees are large and the streets are crowded. The schools are excellent along with many fine private schools. With two hundred and thirty two restaurants , Bethesda is a place to dine out. We have started taking guests out for dinner rather than have Ken cook at home. Remember, he is supposed to have stopped cooking. We moved to Bethesda in 1970, expecting to be here two years, and here we are now, actually loving downtown Bethesda.

The best part of the Washington area is the people. It seems that people get along here. History is long here. Bethesda is not a town and not a city but is an address. It is part of Montgomery County. I return to Bethesda and am delighted with the function of the place and it's people. Not everyone looks alike but everyone works very hard. Lawyers abound here, more than any profession. And writers too. Many folks moved here because they were good at their job in another part of the country and they got promoted or elected. Then they never leave, just like us. One bad aspect of life in Maryland is their income tax. And they are not easy on businesses. I am always happy to walk around downtown Bethesda, just to see all these wonderful people. It is fun.

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