Monday, October 11, 2010

October 11, 2010. Grand Island, Nebraska.

We walked the main street from one end to the other, but I was sad. In all of the books and stories, the town was a vibrant and active town in all the stories. And the place was big. In truth the town is small and not very lively. Willa Cather lived for many years on a farm outside Red Cloud and I was delighted to walk on the same street that she walked. We toured the Opera House and book store and bought a couple of books, one a biography so I soon will bore everyone with facts about Willa Cather's life.

The northern part of Kansas seems to have no oil. Certainly everywhere you look on the top in the southern part you see the oil pumps working to bring the oil from down deep and the wheat and Milo and corn being harvested on the surface. Pretty efficient. The corn crop this year in Kansas will be the second highest in history.

Now we are in Nebraska where the people are very pleasant and helpful. Tomorrow we will drive into town, but not tonight. No problems with our drive so far. I have been surprised with the variety with the scenery. Lots of small hills and creeks and rivers. We have to keep our wits about us to stay on 281. The Highway is well marked but you must stay alert. But we are enjoying the drive.

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