Sunday, October 31, 2010

October 31, 2010. San Antonio, Texas. Hallowe'en

There is excitement in the air. Suzanne is sweeping the front stoop because neighbors and friends are coming over for Halloween dinner, served out front. David will turn on the smoke maker promptly at five and we will be ready for the festivities. The twins are swimming, prior to putting on their costumes, David has gone to pick up the barbecue sandwiches. Soon after eating and drinking and sitting around out front, the kids along with Suzanne and me and the other Mothers will go out to trick and treat, while the fathers stay to hand out candy, and drink wine.

It is an exciting night, second to only Christmas in the annual calender. My job is the help set up the tables and chairs up front, but Suzanne with her efficiency has everything ready, so I begged off swimming while I write my wee web blog. The water is chilly.

The volleyball court is complete and is a big hit. It will serve them well. David has been trying to entice Suzanne to play a game, three on three volleyball. David never played volleyball at school at any level, so he claims the twins and he are in need of some skill training, but he is a tad competitive, so I suspect he will improve. It will be fun watching the progress.

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