Tuesday, October 12, 2010

October 12, 2010. Mitchell, S.D. Observations.

When I looked ahead of me the road was straight. Of course it was also straight in the rear view window. And mostly the road was empty of other cars. Very few cars and trucks on the road even today which is a working day. This part of the country is sparsely populated. The farms and ranches are large so each home is a long distance from any neighbor. This is different than any place I have ever seen. Our farm and the ranch are both in rural, isolated areas, but we are not even close to the isolation we see in northern Nebraska and South Dakota. These places are a long way from neighbors or towns. We have seen hugh herds of cattle. Many hundreds out on these very large fields. It is startling to count them and realize you are looking at five hundred head of cattle, just beside another field with the same number.

Tonight we were required to stay at Mitchell, a town off 281. This was Senator McGovern's home town. The population is so sparse and the towns so far apart that we were forced to come over to Mitchell to stay the night, something we thought would be our habit. We try to stop before four every evening, to allow a walk and a swim before dinner. Every evening so far I have been able to watch both a football game and a baseball game on TV. Hog heaven for me. Tonight we will watch the baseball game and a hockey game. I love to be able to rid myself from commercials. So far I have enjoyed Highway 281. Yesterday we drove by the center of the US. Fascinating stuff, at least for me.

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