Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010. Canyon Lake, Tx. Home Again.

Now we are truly back where we started, safe and sound at the lake. We left the far north just in time. Yesterday a major storm hit the middle of the continent, with high winds and much snow. All the highways in Manitoba are still closed, including the trans Canada Highway, along with all the roads in North and South Dakota. And the temperature is below freezing. Once again, we got lucky.

Never a dull moment at the home of David and Suzanne and the four girls. Honey from David's bee hives were harvested on Saturday, making 42 jars of delicious honey. Fifteen months ago David started keeping bees in four hives at the bottom of his garden. He ordered the equipment for harvesting, invited friends and their children over for the afternoon and had a wonderful time, each leaving with a jar of honey. Now David and Suzanne are ready for hostess gifts at Christmas, all from those clever bees.

In the back of their yard is now a beach volleyball court. The sand is in place now and David will install the posts and net this weekend. Both Sarah and Abigail play volleyball for their school teams and as Allison and Samantha are also tall they will probably play volleyball too. David decided they needed a court in the back yard. They will have fun with the court and is a great idea but I must say, it would never have crossed my mind. Moose, their new puppy loves the sand. He stretches out on the cool sand right under feet of the girls. It's quite a sight.

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