Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October 6, 2010. Harper, Texas. Bode Feed Store.

The whole complex looks like it was designed in the nineteenth century, and it was. Mr. Bode was the third family member to own and run the business and unfortunately he ran it the same way as his grandfather and his father before him. The store is in Harper, our closest town. The Bode place is large, with many out buildings for storage and a huge area to bag feed, which then is sold in the store. It is a place you love for the smells and the floors and the quaint objects for sale and for the people who work there. Now the whole place is owned by another man, from Luckenbach of all places. Mr. Bode still works there.

Ken and I knew the business would never survive. When we first moved to the ranch we asked Mr. Bode to charge our credit card immediately when feed was picked up for the ranch, either by us or David or Steve, who looks after the cattle. But mostly this did not happen. Mr. Bode had a credit book that listed purchases that were not paid, and once a month he would send out a bill. The problem is that we are not at home, so the bill would go unpaid and Mr. Bode does not get the money. We took to calling monthly to clear our account and put any charges to the credit card, something that we repeatedly told him to do. So we knew he was not up with the new world.

Today we went into Harper to purchase treats for the cattle. Same workmen in the back but a new approach in the front store. "Would you like to pay cash or use a credit card?" was the first word out of her mouth. We want them to stay in business so I am pleased with the new efficiency. But we saw it coming, the demise of Bode Feed Store. But I felt sad.

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