Saturday, October 9, 2010

October 9, 2010. Burkburnett, Texas. A Drive.

It is so interesting to see the topography change. Today we left the Hill Country and now we are on the plains. Everything changes bit by bit. It is exciting to watch, at least to me. Our Highway 281 is an old road, built long before the interstates, so there are many picnic areas along the road, the same ones we used to see when travelling in 1964 and 1965 and 1966. When we watch our old pictures we see them except in the pictures my hair was long and my body was skinny. Ken too. The only problem with this road is that the picnic areas have no rest rooms which is OK for Ken but not so good for me.

This is a true story. We stop at a picnic area to switch drivers and Ken finds a tree. The power of suggestion is strong so I decide to find a private spot beside a fence, hidden from the road, and I do. Except right in mid steam I look up to see that the road curves, and my backside is fully exposed to the road in the other direction. Oops. Fortunately 281 had very limited traffic so only one car drove by when I was indisposed.

We are almost out of Texas. The largest town, Wichita Falls, we drove past this afternoon, so from now on, the circles on the map will be small. The Red River we hope to walk along tomorrow. It is the boundary between Texas and Oklahoma, and thus an important river in the area. So far our little Ford Escape is running well and is comfortable. Our plan is to limit the hours in the car and take our time, if we can.

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