Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23, 2012. Artemas, PA. The Door.

You just never know who will knock on your door, here at the farm.   Once an elderly lady drove up while we were sitting in the rocking chairs drinking tea.  She introduced herself and asked if we wanted to buy her 200 acres adjacent to our farm.  She assured us that Alan told her that we would be happy to buy it.  So we shook hands and and settled in three weeks.

Another time an old man came asking to rent the little house on the 200 acres.  For three weeks we said no.  Finally we went to look at the little house,  cleaned it up and finally rented it to Jim who was a tenant for eight years, until he died.

Today takes the cake.  This morning just before noon,  two men came knocking at our door, one about 50 and the other 25.  Fortunately I was dressed.  Ken was at the computer downstairs.   Greg who lives in the adjacent farm sent them here.  What they wanted was the right to trap for coyote and fox on the farm fields.  I did not even know there was a season for trapping.  From October 22 and for two weeks,  it is legal in Pennsylvania to trap and sell the pelts.  Although they live in Flintstone, they wanted permission to trap on our land.  As I know both the coyote and the fox eat the crops and the deer, we said yes, so after signing the permission form and driving them around the fields, they left very happy.  You just don't know who is coming knocking at our door, here at the farm.

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