Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29, 2012. Artemas, PA. A Day.

It was a day, just an ordinary day, but it was a wonderful day nonetheless.  Rita and I laughed about it this afternoon, the fact that we really did nothing, but we all four had a great day.  This afternoon, Ian made a fire in the fire pit.  It took awhile until the fire was big enough to burn the trash.  We three sat and gave him advice and eventually, we had a big fire and even burned all the trash along with the old mat.  It burned like a charm.

We all four watched the fun of the West Virginia/Baylor football game, but only for a few minutes.  We just found out the final score.  It sounded more like a basketball game.  Now we are watching the Texas game.  We must cheer hard for Texas.

We walked and we talked and we ate.  It was a perfectly ordinary day but it was a day to remember.

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