Friday, June 20, 2014

June 20, 2014. Canyon Lake, Texas. Modern Families.

Next week, my niece will be working in San Diego. Christina and the girls will be in Maine after spending three days in Boston. Allison, Samantha and Sarah are going on a Mission for a week to a church in Orlando. The Texas family returned on the 20th from a 12 day vacation in Paris. Modern Families go places and do things. It is great sport and wonderful training as well as having lots of fun. My friend Sonya once commented to me that she hopes to travel to all the places her girls had visited during their high school years. Next year, the Texas family hope to take a vacation to Italy. What started out as a family RV trip has changed to a vacation to parts unknown. They always travel at the end of the school year. Last year they spent 10 days in London and the year before they took the train to Chicago. They loved Chicago and the train ride north but the train ride home was tedious. In France they rode the bullet train, which travels 268 mph. They loved it. The interesting part is that many people never leave the county in which they were born and over 50% of American have no passport. The modern family seems to be at both ends of the spectrum, either traveling a lot or not at all. I once read a report that if folks do not travel by 16, they never learn to enjoy traveling, but I was just told by my friend that for the first time ever her husband planned a trip to Europe and he loved every minute of the journey. I guess in the modern world you can teach old dogs new tricks!!

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