Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014. Harper, Texas. Double D Ranch.

Yesterday was an unusual day. When we arrived at out home at the ranch, the one we call "The Top House", every thing was working. Both air conditioners were doing their jobs. After a phone call to Wild Blue, the Internet worked. As we drove to the ranch, I was complaining that we have no TV but as we drove into the yard, I spotted a satellite dish that said Dish Television. We had forgotten that we installed and signed onto Dish TV, so another phone call got us 250 channels on our television. Everything in our home was running like a top. What that meant for me today put me into hog heaven. Eating breakfast this morning I watched Wimbleton tennis followed by two World Cup soccer games. I was happy as a clam all day. In between watching TV, I unloaded the truck and incorporated the stuff we brought into the house. Our home is small but we had many empty cabinets so I tucked things away where I will probably never find them. But mostly I watched TV. Ken and I are delighted that everything is working as we have not been here since November. But we laughed that neither of us had recalled ordering the television with Dish. Is this a sign of old age, or is it a sign that we live in the moment? Once we have left the ranch we do not think about it, until we return. I prefer the latter but who cares. I am just pleased I can watch more tennis and more soccer right in my own home!!

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