Saturday, September 23, 2017

September 23, 2017. San Antonio, Texas. Smoking Meat.

David loves to smoke meat.  And he is good at it so the results are worth the effort.  His smoker is fancy, situated just down the stairs and around the corner from the deck so this morning, David, Ken and I sat on the deck while David tended to his neat.  First he smoked salmon, that we were to eat for lunch.  He had purchased one side of coho wild salmon from the Pacific Ocean and two large slabs of Atlantic farmed salmon from Chile.  Late in the morning he put the meat in the smoker, consisting of two whole beef tenderloins and two lamb shanks.  The meat was for dinner.

The salmon for lunch was delicious.  It was moist and tender and tasty.  We just ate salmon while we watched a college football game.  Neither team was ranked but Texas A&M beat Georgia.   We still have enough salmon for breakfast which we will eat with capers and onions.

After a rest in mid afternoon, we reconvened to the deck, talking with Allison and Samantha along with Suzanne and David.  The meat was busily cooking slowly in the smoker while we chatted and enjoyed the yard.  Along with the meat for dinner, we ate tiny potatoes and Brussel sprouts.  The meat was tender and delicious.  Even David was pleased with the results.  Our dinner was fit for a king.  David's does a great job with his smoker, first marinating the meat for three days.  All his efforts paid off with our delicious meals, all cooked in the big smoker.  We are grateful for David and Suzanne...and for the smoker.

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