Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 2009. San Antonio, Tx. Homecoming.

I have never attended a homecoming, until tonight. Sarah is attending a new Episcopal school, beginning in the sixth grade and continuing through high school. TMI is the name. It is a small school, with 400 students, and has a reputation for high academic standards. Ken and I were invited to attend by Sarah, along with her siblings and parents. First came the spaghetti dinner, served by the boys of the school, followed by a pep rally where the cheerleaders strutted their tricks. Both the Junior and Senior Class held a skit. Next up was the lighting of a huge bonfire where everyone cheered and then watched this very large fire. Evidently these fires are a tradition at homecoming in Texas. The last event was the powder puff football game between the junior and senior girls playing flag football, under lights on their football field. Tomorrow the football team will play a big game and everyone is invited to come and cheer.

David and Ken and I, along with Samantha and Allison came home right after the bonfire, arriving home by 8:30, so now the twins are asleep as is David. Soon Suzanne and Sarah and Abigail will arrive home as it is past ten o'clock. The younger students seem very excited about Homecoming. I was pleased to see the new school and their campus and the other students. The atmosphere is pleasant. One aspect of their practice I like a lot. Every student is required to declare an athletic activity each semester. Sarah chose Volleyball this semester, so she practices every day with the sixth grade class. The other option for her was cross country or PE, which is a fitness program. So every student at the school is required to have a physical activity for one hour every day for the whole semester. In the Winter season the options are Swimming, basketball or PE. Sarah has chosen swimming. Spring options are Tennis, Track and Field or Lacrosse, in addition to PE. It seems to be a great programme. I certainly saw no obese children tonight at the school.

I enjoyed the evening observing these young people in action. Sarah is very grown up, now that she is twelve. Tomorrow her Volleyball team is playing in a tournament, so we see her in action again. It will be a great pleasure for me, and also to see the twins soccer game. I am having a grand time.

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