Sunday, November 1, 2009

November 1, 2009. San Antonio, Tx. Sleepy Day.

Even the children are startled to discover that November has arrived. Just two months along and soon we will have a new year. This morning, even with the extra hour of sleep, every one is feeling sleepy. No church today. Last evening, after doing their Trick and Treating here at home, Abigail was taken to a birthday party and sleep-over which she elected to join after her excursion here at home. One of the friends who came with us last night was invited to sleep-over here with Samantha and Allison, using Abigail's bedroom, so this morning, before Suzanne picked up Abigail at ten, she fixed a big breakfast, including bacon, scrambled eggs and biscuits. Coffee of course for the adults. It was a pleasure to just poke around in the morning for the little girls. Most of the time they have a tight schedule in the mornings.

Suzanne and David are fortunate in having a lot of energy. Suzanne has such a full schedule of responsibilities that she seems to be always on the go. It is fun to sit back and watch the action in their home. Late yesterday afternoon, David, Suzanne and I had a beer on the back deck, gearing up for our evening activities. Suzanne and I always split a beer, because I can only drink half a beer at a time, so after we three enjoyed our beer, Suzanne stood up and stated that she needed to clean up the house. Neighbors were coming over for Pizza prior to the evening excursion, and as she had been away from the house all day with the games, the house was somewhat untidy. David and I convinced her to sit and drink another half beer, telling her that the neighbors would not care if her house was perfect, so she did. I joshed her about her being tidy all the rest of the evening, but she finally admitted that it makes her feel better if her house is clean and tidy. Her workload is incredibly large, and fortunately she has the energy to match. Once again, I am grateful for my daughter-in-law, the busy, competent Suzanne.

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