Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9, 2009. Chevy Chase, Md. Bristol, Va.

I am always impressed when a skilled chef opens a restaurant in a small town. The questions that need to be answered are many, and of course, are never going to be answered because we just drive on to continue the trip. But it would be interesting to find out how this couple opened this restaurant, called The Brooklyn Grill, in Bristol Virginia. The husband, the chef, is not from the south. He has tattoos on both forearms and he wears his long hair in a pony tail. He is a good cook. The wife waits on tables and is extremely efficient, also thin and good looking, blond with a southern accent.

The restaurant was recommended to us by Bob Mimms in Jackson. So we decided to stay in Bristol for the night. The area is very pretty, called the Virginia Highlands. When we checked into the motel, The Hampton Inn, I asked the lady checking us in if there was a good restaurant in Bristol. Her reply was immediate..."The Brooklyn Grill, and to get there drive left up the hill and drive three miles. Oh yes, it is best to make a reservation. " Evidently, it is the only good restaurant in Bristol. So we did as we were told, drove straight there and enjoyed our dinner. And we talked to the wife but not for long enough.

We also left my extra food that was boxed up for us, something we have done at least one hundred times. That left over pasta would have tasted good to us once we arrived at home. The next time we stay in Bristol, I am going to find out how and why they opened this restaurant in this small town. I'll let you know.

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