Saturday, November 21, 2009

November 21, 2009. Artemas, Pa. Highlights.

Every time we drive up to the hill house a deer is browsing under the bird feeders. It started last night. When we came up from the hot tub, a very small deer was eating in the grass area right under all six bird feeders. We have fed the birds at the same place ever since we built this house and this is the first time the deer have eaten at that location. This small deer did not run away. It just stayed and looked at us and as we did not move, it kept eating until we opened the car door, when it ran away. This morning, a very large doe was eating at the same place. We have tried to figure out whether or not we are using different seeds, but Ken thinks not. Twice today, we observed the same behaviour, probably by the same small deer. It's a highlight of the day, arriving at home to see our resident deer grazing on the bird seed, right in front of the house.

Rodney is such a talented artist. This morning we picked up two pieces from the framer. Karen, who runs the framing business, was able to complete these two pieces to take with us when we go to Mississippi for Christmas. We discovered Rodney's ability five years ago and encouraged him to spread his wings and paint. Up until then, he would carve and draw with pencil and paper. We have several of his drawings of ducks and birds and they are very good. We kind of forced him to paint in oil when we commissioned a painting of the old farm house. He came and took many pictures. It took him two years to complete the painting of the house, which now hangs on the wall of the apartment. Today, we saw two of his latest paintings and they are wonderful. One is a small piece of an acorn, about three by four. It looks as if it is right on the forest floor. The other piece is of a seagull. I loved them both, but really want the acorn. The best part is that he likes them too and he is loving his painting. It is wonderful watching talent blossom and know that perhaps we played a little part.

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