Sunday, November 29, 2009

November 29, 2009. Mexico. Grocery Shopping.

Here in Mexico, we have two options for obtaining groceries. This trip we have returned to our first method which is to use the local market for our food. It is a walk of about a quarter of a mile so it is no problem to get there and back and in fact it is a very nice walk along a shaded road with a new stone sidewalk. Tuesday morning, our first morning here, Ken and I ate breakfast in the Mall, then brought a limited amount of food home. Our plan was to walk to the Market, which is in the Mall, every few days. What really happened is that we ate very peculiar meals, amounting to the left over food from yesterdays restaurant meal. It was fine, but clearly we were not eating a balanced diet.

The problem is that I do not like that Market, but last evening we had no choice, so we took our back packs with us and shopped for food. Our back packs were heavy walking home but we ate well today.

The other option for grocery shopping is to shop at Mega, a very large modern store in Buciaras, then take a taxi home with all our food. Next time we are here we will use that method, so we can shop only once. I have made up my mind. Of course, I made up my mind the last time and was convinced that the local Market would be fine. But it is not fine, so next visit, I will shop at Mega.

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